WGNF - Celebrating Neighbourhoods Grants - 2024

This is a preview of the Celebrating Neighbourhoods application form - 2024 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Before starting your application

* indicates a required field.

Applicants please note:

Before completing this application form, you should have read the West Gate Neighbourhood Fund - Grants Guidelines

Applications must be completed and submitted by 3pm Tuesday 30 July 2024. Awarding of grants and advice to recipients will occur in September 2024. 

If you have any questions, please contact the West Gate Tunnel Project on 1800 105 105 or email info@wgta.vic.gov.au

Please ensure you are applying for the correct category for your initiative:

This application is for projects such as festivals, events, and installations that bring local people together, some examples include:

  • Community festivals   
  • Cultural events   
  • Concerts 


I confirm that this application is for a West Gate Neighbourhood Fund Celebrating neighbourhoods grant - up to $20,000 for festivals, events, and installations that bring local people together. * Required

What you'll need

Before you start your application, it is recommended that you download a preview of the form to understand what information is required. Please note that you will be required to upload supporting documents to assist with assessment of your application - the list below outlines the documents you'll be required to provide. If documents aren't provided at the time of submitting your application it may result in your application not being eligible for funding.

  • Public Liability Insurance and Certificate of Incorporation (required)
  • Annual report including financial statements (required)
  • Quotes for all items >$1,000 (required)
  • Project/Program and Risk Management plan (strongly recommended)
  • Evidence of co-funding (required where applicable)
  • Asset owner evidence of consent (required where applicable)
  • Evidence of asset ownership or current land/building lease (required where applicable)
  • Letters of support (recommended)

Conflict of Interest Declaration

This information helps West Gate Neighbourhood Fund staff to determine who can review your application during the assessment phase.

Are you, or anyone involved in the preparation of this application employed at the Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) or at a division within VIDA?
Are you, or anyone involved in the preparation of this application employed by a Government Agency, including local councils within the West Gate Tunnel Project boundary (Hobsons Bay City Council or Maribyrnong City Council) or within State or Federal Government?
Are you, or anyone involved in the preparation of this application either an employee of, or related to any members of parliament or their staff?

This section is not applicable because of your response to questions:

  • "Are you, or anyone involved in the preparation of this application employed at the Victorian Infrastructure Delivery Authority (VIDA) or at a division within VIDA?" on page 1
  • "Are you, or anyone involved in the preparation of this application employed by a Government Agency, including local councils within the West Gate Tunnel Project boundary (Hobsons Bay City Council or Maribyrnong City Council) or within State or Federal Government?" on page 1

Confirmation of Eligibility

I confirm that the applicant:

  • has read and understands the program guidelines.
  • is an incorporated not-for-profit community organisation; or is auspiced by a not-for-profit community organisation. 
  • is located in the Hobsons Bay or Maribyrnong local government areas, and/or is proposing a project where the majority of participants are residents of Hobsons Bay or Maribyrnong local government areas.
  • is able to demonstrate financial viability. 
  • does not have a debt or outstanding acquittal owing to the State Government Authority where the project will be undertaken.
  • has the appropriate type and level of insurance. 
  • does not derive income from gambling, and is not proposing to promote gambling through this project.

Additionally, I confirm that the proposed project:

  • has not commenced, and is not already fully funded by Local Government, the Victorian Government, or the Australian Government.
  • can be completed within 12 months of the funding announcement.
The above statements are true for my organisation * Required
You must confirm that all statements above are true and correct.

Applicant contact details - the person completing this form

This is the person we will correspond with about this grant
This is the address we will use to correspond with you about this grant - please make sure it's entered correctly.
e.g. Manager, Board Member, Fundraising Coordinator
Must be an Australian phone number. 
Must be an Australian phone number. 

Privacy Notice

We pledge to respect and uphold your rights to privacy protection under the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) as established under the Privacy Act 1988 and amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012. To view our privacy collection statement, click here.